Saturday 6 January, 11:30am

Exhibition tour of David Annesley: Kurumidza

Waddington Custot

Dr Jon Wood, Head of Research at the Henry Moore Institute, will lead a tour of our current exhibition ‘David Annesley: Kurumidza’ giving an introduction into the context in which the sculpture arose and conclusions he drew in his text for the exhibition, ‘The Phoenix Project’.


The tour will take place on Saturday 6 January at 11:30am, refreshments will be served. Free admission but please RSVP to reserve a place rsvp@waddingtoncustot.com


Dr Jon Wood specialises in twentieth-century and contemporary sculpture, coordinating the Institute’s research programmes, curating exhibitions and developing the Leeds Sculpture Collections. Recent Henry Moore Institute exhibitions include: City Sculpture Projects 1972 (2016), 1913: The Shape of Time (2012) and United Enemies: The Problem of Sculpture in Britain in the 1960s and 1970s (2011). In 2015 the Arts Council invited him to co-curate on their large touring exhibition Making It: Sculpture in Britain 1977-1986 and in 2014 he co-curated Sculptors’ Papers from the Henry Moore Institute at the Whitechapel Gallery.


He is co-editor of the Sculpture Journal  and co-edited publications include: Modern Sculpture Reader (2007/2012), H.S. Ede’s Savage Messiah (2011), Tools of Trades: Articulating Sculptural Practice (2010), Articulate Objects: Voice, Sculpture, and Performance (2009), Carl Plackman: Sculpture, Drawing, Writing (2006) and Sculpture in Twentieth-Century Britain (2003). His writings about the artist’s studio have been anthologised in The Studio (2012), The Studio Reader (2010) and The Fall of the Studio (2009).

