4 November 2020

Late opening this evening

The gallery will be open until 8pm today

This evening (4 November) Waddington Custot will remain open until 8pm.

In light of the upcoming change in restrictions and to offer visitors an extended chance to experience art in person, the gallery has extended its hours alongside over 25+ other London galleries, with neighbouring galleries on Cork Street including Goodman Gallery, Sadie Coles, Holtermann and Saatchi Yates, to name just a few.


The late opening provides a final opportunity to physically experience Fabienne Verdier's monumental 'Vortex' works before the gallery temporarily closes in line with the UK lockdown measures coming in on Thursday. 


If you are unable to visit the gallery today, you can continue exploring our programme online. Head over to our 'Fabienne Verdier: Vortex' viewing room or immerse yourself in the artist and exhibition films on our website.⁠ 




