
'Picture This: Photorealism 1966–1985' reviewed in Artforum's September 2023 issue

Daniel Culpan writes in the September 2023 of Artforum:


"A solitary 1962 Chevy gleaming in a Wells Fargo parking lot. The brightly lit bumpers of a pinball machine. Ketchup bottles shining in a deserted diner. All the classic scenes of postwar American capitalism, seductive and abundant, featured in the two-part show “Picture This: Photorealism 1966–1985.” Each of these thirty-seven paintings in oil and acrylic—taken from a collection of more than seventy works—is a high-fidelity re-creation of a photograph. With a conjurer’s eye, the Photorealists translated the textures, colors, and details of flat analog images into ravishingly three-dimensional illusions....."


Read the full review here

