Institutional Exhibitions
11 October 2019–1 March 2020

Hans Hartung Retrospective at Musée d’art moderne de Paris

The inauguration of the newly renovated Musée d’art moderne de Paris is marked by a retrospective of Hans Hartung. The exhibition is timely given that it is the first major retrospective of the artist to occur in Paris for fifty years; the last exhibition of his work was held in 1969. The show, entitled Fabrique du Geste, positions the artist at the forefront of abstraction, realigning the artist’s seminal status concerning the trajectory of 20th-century modern art.


With over 300 works, from both private and public French and international collections, this exhibition encompasses six decades of Hartung’s practice. Although contextually and psychologically interlaced with post-war realities, his work is characterised by technical and material experimentation. The focus on the diverse range of media and tools incorporated in Hartung’s work highlights both his initial his innovatory position as well as his lasting impact in inspiring subsequent artists.


The exhibition is curated by Odile Burluraux, in collaboration with Julie Sissia and features a large amount of work from the Hartung-Bergman Foundation.

