Shop Publications

Maria Helena Vieira da Silva

Jeanne Bucher Jaeger, Paris; Waddington Custot, London; Di Donna Galleries, New York
Hardback 111 pages
Publisher: Jeanne Bucher Jaeger, Waddington Custot, Di Donna Galleries
ISBN: 978-2-918316-21-3
Dimensions: H 27 x D 33.5 x W 27.5 cm
Maria Helena Vieira da Silva: Jeanne Bucher Jaeger, Paris; Waddington Custot, London; Di Donna Galleries, New York
£ 25.00

Portuguese-born painter Maria Helena Vieira da Silva became an integral member of the expressive abstract movement in Paris following the Second World War. Studying and assimilating the early Modern styles of Cubism, Geometric Abstraction and Futurism, she embraced ambiguity between lyrical and geometric form in amalgamations of illusionistic space and defined her own personal visual vocabulary.


This catalogue is published on the occasion of a landmark travelling exhibition of important works by Vieira da Silva, produced in collaboration by Waddington Custot in London, Jeanne Bucher Jaeger in Paris, and Di Donna Galleries in New York. 


Bilingual in English and French language, the publication includes a biography, colour plates and two essays on the work of Vieira da Silva, written by Kent Minturn, Visiting Assistant Professor at The Institute of Fine Arts, NYU; and French art historian Pierre Wat. 

